How does oral health affect heart health?
If you ever wonder if your oral health affects the health of your heart or other organs, the answer is it in fact does. Your gums are like a shield that protects your body from the bacteria. If you think about it, there's one main way that bacteria enter your body, and that is through your mouth. They do not enter your body in any other way. And your gums are a shield that prevent any of that bacteria from getting into the blood system. If you have gum disease, that shield is broken, and then the bacteria get into your blood system. Once they're in your blood system, they travel throughout your whole body. And they seep themselves in some organs, especially the heart. So it is very important in order to have a heart-healthy body that you have a healthy gum.
Can oral health impact diabetes management?
It absolutely can. A bacterial infection in your body can make it much, much harder for your body to control its glucose levels. Your body needs insulin to fight and keep its glucose levels at the optimum level. However, if you get an infection or you have any other disease in your mouth, your body is not able to produce glucose in the right frequency or amount, and it can throw your glucose out of whack.
Why is dental care important during pregnancy?
It absolutely is. There are lots and lots of studies that show that women who have gingivitis during pregnancy have babies with lower birth weight and are also born in more premature conditions. So, just be sure to have good oral health if you want to have a good, healthy baby.
How can poor oral health affect the immune system?
It is important to realize that your immune system comes from only one body. And your immune system is only able to fight so many wars at one time. If you have a healthy immune system and no other infections in your body, like gum disease, then your body is able to fight whatever organisms come your way in a more efficient manner. If you have dental disease, your body is now fighting that one battle. And should another organism come in, now your body has to fight multiple battles. It is always to be as healthy as possible, so just in case you happen to catch an infection, say like the flu or pneumonia, your body will be better able to handle that infection. Remember, a healthy body can only be in place if you have a healthy mouth.